Sharmila SA Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Load Balancer and EC2 with Auto Scaling Group using TerraformAchieving Scalability and High Availability using Load Balancer and Auto Scaling groups for your server.Jun 19, 20234Jun 19, 20234
InfeaturepreneurbySharmila SHost a Static website on AWS S3Amazon S3 —( Amazon Simple Storage Service) Cloud Object Storage service by AWS. It allows users to store and organize data in the cloud.Jul 5, 2021Jul 5, 2021
InfeaturepreneurbySharmila SDeploy your Flask application to Amazon EC2In this article, I am going to explain the steps involved in deploying a flask application to an Amazon EC2 instance.Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
InfeaturepreneurbySharmila SLambda — API Gateway — DynamoDBLet’s learn to use these services with a use case — create an API to add a new entry to the database using AWS Services — Lambda, API…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021